Greetings Sadhakas,
This week in class we will be exploring going beyond our self-imposed limits.
Most people live, whether physically, intellectually or morally, in a very restricted circle of their potential being. They make use of a very small portion of their possible consciousness, and of their soul's resources in general, much like a man who, out of his whole bodily organism, should get into a habit of using and moving only his little finger.
– William James
We think we are very limited creatures, very small, good for maybe only fifteen minutes of love or patience before we have to crack. Instead of identifying with our deepest Self, we are identifying with some biochemical-mental organism.
But when you calm the mind in meditation every morning, you will see how far you can stretch your patience and your love during the day. You will see for yourself how comfortable you feel with everybody, how secure you feel wherever you go. You will find that you have a quiet sense of being equal to difficult situations.
These discoveries give a hint of the heights to which a human being can rise. Once we see this for ourselves, we will catch the exhilaration of the mystics when they say that because the Lord is our real Self, there is no limit to our capacities.
Words to Live By: Inspiration for Every Day – Eknath Easwaran
The homework is to see how your Yoga practices can challenge you to go beyond your self-imposed limits. Learn how going further in your asana practice relates to challenging your limits off of the mat. Relate this challenge to things other than physical ability.
paul cheek
Rushing Water Yoga
417 NE Birch St., Camas, WA 98607
Serving Yoga to Camas, Washougal, and Vancouver Washington since 2003