Greetings Sadhakas,
This week in class we are exploring how Dharana (one-pointed
concentration) works together with Ahimsa (non-harming, Love).
When one is
rising, standing, walking, doing something, stopping, one should constantly
concentrate one's mind on the act and the doing of it, not on one's relation to
the act, or its character or value. . . . One should simply practice
concentration of the mind on the act itself.
– Ashvaghosha
There is a close
connection between deep concentration and love, and with the practice of
one-pointed attention we can greatly increase the precious capacity to remain
loving and loyal no matter what the vicissitudes or circumstances we encounter.
We can practice
this one-pointedness throughout the day by doing one thing at a time, and
giving our full attention to whatever we are doing. While having breakfast, for
example, we can give our complete attention to the food and not to the
newspaper. If we are listening to a friend, even if a parrot flies down and
perches on his head, we should not get excited, point to the parrot, and burst
out, "Excuse me for interrupting, but there's a bird on your head."
We should be able to concentrate so hard on what our friend is saying that we can
tell this urge, "Don't distract me. Afterwards, I'll tell him about the
Words to Live By:
Inspiration for Every Day – Eknath Easwaran
The homework is to explore through your Yoga
practices how Dharana (one-pointed concentration) works together with Ahimsa
(non-harming, Love) to help cultivate Love and loyalty no matter what the
paul cheek
Rushing Water Yoga