Monday, November 23, 2015


Greetings Sadhakas,

This week in class we are considering the third Niyama - Tapas.

You are what your deep, driving desire is.

                                           - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

Desire is the key to life, because desire is power. The deeper the desire, the more power it contains.

Most people start life with many small desires. Their power and vitality trickle away in many different directions. None of their desires is deep enough to contain much power. But there are people whose lives are molded by only a few, consuming desires. Such people usually achieve their goals. Because their desires are unified, their will becomes nearly invincible. To desire something deeply is to will it, and to will is to achieve. If they want to become a great artist, build a bigger pyramid, explain the movements of the planets, they devote their life to that, and usually succeed. Wherever you find great success in life, it is fueled by the intense unification of desires.

But the most successful people of all are the rare men and women like Mahatma Gandhi and Saint Teresa of Avila who have but one desire. All lesser desires have been consumed in the great fire of love for God.

Words to Live By: Inspiration for Every Day – Eknath Easwaran

The homework is to study the third Niyama or Tapas. Tapas means to use burning effort under all circumstances to achieve ones goal in life.  Tapas needs to be applied in three areas: body, speech and mind.  Practicing non-violence towards your own body is one way to practice tapas of body.  Speaking kindly and truthfully can be one way to practice tapas of speech.  Developing an even mind that stays balanced in sorrow and joy and practicing self discipline is tapas of mind. Observe for yourself how unifying this practice of Tapas across these three areas can help you navigate and stay on your path.


paul cheek
Rushing Water Yoga
417 NE Birch St., Camas, WA 98607

Serving Yoga to Camas, Washougal, and Vancouver Washington since 2003

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