Sunday, November 23, 2008

Joy Beyond Fun

Greetings Yogis and Yoginis,

In class this week we are talking about “Joy Beyond Fun.”

“I don’t think any sensitive person can be satisfied with having fun, no matter how much of it we cram into out lives. Our need is not for pleasure but for joy – a deep sense of fulfillment that not only never leaves us but actually increases with the passage of time. Fun is living for ourselves; joy comes from living for others, giving our time and love to a purpose greater than ourselves”.
-Eknath Easwaran

The reflection from the quote is to imagine a world where we all live life for others and see God in every person we meet – a life of selfless service. Experiment with and practice this concept of selfless service and apply it to your life.


paul cheek
Rushing Water Yoga
417 NE Birch St.
Camas, WA 98607

Serving Yoga to Camas, Washougal, and Vancouver Washington since 2003

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