Greetings Sadhakas,
This week in class
we are exploring patience.
Living the Good Life
Why do we hear so little about patience today? There almost seems to be a conspiracy in our
modern civilization to counsel just the opposite: be impatient, be angry, “look
out for number one.” But what is life
without patience?....We seldom realize what power there is in patience. All the energy consumed in exploding against
others, in retaliating, in unkind words, in the anger that brings grief to
others and ulcers to ourselves – all that energy can be harnessed as positive,
creative power, simply by learning patience…….Imagine someone who cannot be
disturbed even if you are rude or unkind to him. Imagine someone who moves closer to you when
you get angry, instead of running away; someone who keeps showing respect even
when you try to strike out and hurt him.
Simply being around such people is a joy. Their practice rubs off. Gradually we want to be like them. When we have a selfish impulse, we reject it;
we have seen something higher. Once we
have an ideal like this to live up to, we try to stretch ourselves a little
every day; we see opportunities in every challenge.
Yoga Gems: A Treasury
of Practical and Spiritual Wisdom from Ancient and Modern Masters – Edited
by Georg Feurstein
The homework is to notice when you are
being impatient with yourself and work to turn this impatience into patience
for yourself. Then encourage this
practice to “rub off” into other areas of your life. Star t
with the little interactions that make up each day and be slower and more
paul cheek
Rushing Water Yoga
Serving Yoga to Camas, Washougal, and
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